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Exclusively for Sellers

Exclusively For

We make choosing a Realtor an easy task

Staging is an important factor in selling your home for top dollar. To ensure your home
looks its absolute best, I include Staging services when your hire me! My expert Stager will
help advise you on how to declutter using your own furniture and decor. If your home is
vacant we will bring furniture and decor into the common areas. Either way your home will
look amazing!

Selling now could add a nice healthy sum to your nest egg as well. As long as you are smart
about how much of that profit to spend on a new place.

When you hire me, I oversee and coordinate all steps to getting your home ready to sell.
These steps include landscape cleanup, window washing, house cleaning, repairs, paint &
Click here for more details.

We will set up phone call or Zoom meeting to discuss your timeline and plans to move. I will
provide you with a market value analysis of your home and give you a range of value. If you
are looking to downsize, or for a bigger home I will coordinate the contingent sale so you
only have to move once! Leave the selling preparation up to me so you can focus on work &

Buyers are online more than ever! Digital marketing is critical to selling your home
efficiently and for top dollar. At no cost to you, we provide extensive digital marketing
including eblasts, emagzine ads & online brochure and postcards to Norcal agents, from the
Bay area to Reno. We advertise via Facebook ads on all CBSelect pages and have a full time
marketing team to access for additional marketing.

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